1. listopada – 23. listopada 2016.


  1. listopada – 13. studenoga 2016.

Godišnji tematski okvir samostalnih izložbi Galerije Vladimir Bužančić u 2016. godini pod nazivom Između života i umjetničkog djela, kao i prethodne dvije godine, ujedno je i koncept koji je iste umjetnike povezao u skupnu izložbu, realiziranu putem programske razmjene s HDLU-om Osijek u Galeriji Kazamat te s Galerijom Makina u Puli.

Zadani konceptualni okvir ” Između života i umjetničkog djela” imao je zadaću istražiti proces umjetničkog stvaranja kao osobit način transponiranja umjetničkih i neumjetničkih iskustava, materijala i postupaka u umjetničku praksu. Serijom izložbi tijekom 2016. i njihovim objedinjenjem u skupnu izložbu povezali smo autore koji slijede ili se referiraju na dvije različite tradicije iz povijesti moderne umjetnosti – tradiciju estetskog formalizma ili tradiciju avangarde. Izložba je pokušala istražiti različite izvore suvremenoga vizualnog stvaralaštva i različita očitovanja kreativnoga procesa u samim umjetničkim radovima. Razlog tom interesu je pitanje utjecaja i potencijala suvremene umjetnosti u društvu, kao i načina na koji ona danas, osim tržišno, može opravdati smisao svog postojanja.

Kustosica izložbe Anita Zlomislić


 KAZAMAT GALLERY, OSIJEK, October 28 – November 13 2016

GALLERY MAKINA, PULA, October 7 – October 23 2016

 The year’s thematic framework for the solo exhibitions put on in the Vladimir Bužančić Gallery during 2016 under the overarching title of Between Life and Work of Art was, as in the previous two years, also a concept that linked the artists in a collective exhibition, produced through an exchange of programmes with the Osijek branch of the Croatian Artists Association in the Kazamat Gallery and the Makina Gallery in Pula.

The assignment of the set conceptual framework of Between Life and Artwork was to explore the process of artistic creation as a particular manner of transposing artistic and non-artistic experiences, materials and procedures into artistic practice.  With a series of exhibitions during 2016 and bringing them together in the collective exhibition we linked up artists who follow or refer to two different traditions from the history of modern art – the tradition of aesthetic formalism or the tradition of the avant-garde. The exhibition has attempted to investigate the different sources of contemporary visual art and different manifestations of the creative process in actual works of art. The reason for this interest is the issue of the influence and potential of contemporary art in society, and the way in which it can today, in ways other than those of the market, justify the point of its existence.

Exhibition curator Anita Zlomislić